Bracelets, Gold Or 925 Silver Bracelets.
Bracelets are an interesting fashion accessory, though not everyone wears a bracelet only to follow a fashion trend. Asian civilizations wore strings or metal bands around the wrist for many centuries. These were not really bracelets but they had a special meaning or significance. Walk into most Thai temples today and you will find a senior priest (monk) distributing orange or white pieces of cotton thread. Probably the next stage, was to wear crudely cut stones around the wrist. The stones in this case were chosen based on the 'special powers' that they were believed to posess. The stones were cut rather crudely and had a hole drilled randomly through the stone. You might be tempted to compare such bracelets with the bead wrist bands being sold today but, they were really quite different. As man learnt about metals, he realized that they could be hammered into strips and then copper and silver bangles made their way. Almost every civilization on our planet believed that silver had the power to keep poisons away.
If you sit back and think about bracelets as we know them today, they are deeply rooted in the wrist bands or bangles worn by people many centuries ago. You would expect a gold or 925 silver bracelet to make a fashion statement today but, the basic concept still remains metal and gemstones. Gemology has developed into a science and gem cutters can cut or shape gems into thousands of styles. Jewelry designers backed by modern jewelry production technics have the freedom to come up with some of the most gorgeous or outrageous bracelet concepts. An interesting thing is that if you want the power to choose the design, dimensions, metal and gems for your bracelet, searching for a readymade bracelet to match all our preferences is futile. You should instead consider a custom bracelet provided by a reputed jeweler. In this article we discuss about various issues related to bracelets, their design, weight, metal options, gem selection and more. While Kaisilver would be glad to produce a custom bracelet for you, we would prefer that you first understood all the issues related to good quality bracelets. With this information you can better appreciate the quality of jewelry that we provide. You can also effectively evaluate various jewelers to choose the one that is right for you.
Fine multi gemstone bracelet BRC11
Bracelets, Essential Features. When you talk about a bracelet, the choice is wide and wild, the price range equally wide and confusing. It is therefore necessary to understand the essential features of a good bracelet. It is then possible to make a fair and effective comparison between various bracelets. Buyer know of just two features that need to be evaluated before making a purchase, price and external appearance. But the truth is that a host of other features will determing how longlasting and durable your gold or silver bracelet would be.
Design: No jewelry buyer would like to buy a bracelet that does not look good. The definition of good would depend on the personal preference of the buyer. However the design of a plain or gem stone bracelet needs to achieve few other objectives too. The gem mounting needs to consider the type and size of gems. Some gems need better protection due their durability constraints. If metal weight is a constraint, the bracelet needs to keep the dimensions proportional to the metal weight available. The type of clasp used to lock the bracelet is an important feature that is often ignored. We have come across cases, where the clasp has actually separated from the rest of the bracelet. In some cases, the clasp opens up on it's own and the bracelet drops off the wrist. Kaisilver bracelets are researched for design and durability by a team of experts.
Metal: Pay attention to this paragraph on metal options, it is very important to understand the content. There is no reason to presume that a gold bracelet is better than a sterling silver bracelet. For some reason, jewelers give step motherly treatment to the production of all types of silver jewelry. There is a presumption that silver jewelry buyers are hunting only for cheap jewels and are willing to compromise on quality. Technically there is no reason why a gold or silver bracelet cannot be made with the same quality of design, gemstone and craftsmanship. The end result might not give you a cheap silver bracelet, but most buyers are really not after cheap junk quality jewels.
You will find that gold bracelets are often produced with insufficient metal weight. This is done to moderate the price tag and make the jewel attractive to a larger market, but this sacrifices on longterm durabiity, something that the jeweler does not care about once he gets his money. If your budget cannot get you a good sturdy gold bracelet, consider getting a sterling silver bracelet.
When it comes to gold bracelets, you would have the option for a 14k or 18k bracelet in white or yellow gold. By metal composition, 14k gold is harder than 18k gold this means that a 14k yellow or white gold bracelet would be stronger than a similar bracelet made in 18k gold. You need not worry too much about this difference in hardness if the bracelet has a good metal weight and design structure.
The choice of metal color for your gold bracelet, can be decided by you. There is no truth in the notion that white gold is any softer than yellow gold. If you compare white and yellow gold in the same karatage, the hardness would not differ.
Just keep in mind that, dark transparent gems can look much darker if set in white gold. This is mainly because of the stark color contrast between the gem color and the white metal.
When it comes to sterling silver bracelets, the issue of silver tarnish needs to be explained. All silver jewelry will tarnish, the rate of tarnish depends on a combination of factors like climate, humidity, chlorine content in the water, composition of sweat etc. When your jeweler tells you that, he can provide an anti-tarnish treatment for your silver bracelet, it is only half the truth. Platings used over silver can be rhodium, gold or even platinum and they do provide temporary protection against tarnish. The plating will come off after a while and the bracelet will then appear patchy and old. For this reason, we would suggest that your silver bracelet not be plated with any other metal. Silver tarnish can be polished away by using commercially available silver jewelry polishing lotions or fabric.
Blue Topaz Bracelet BRC10
Weight: For any bracelet, the largest factor that determines the weight of the jewel would be the metal weight. Every jeweler knows that, the metal weight of a jewel should be proportional to the dimensions of the jewel. And yet, very few gold or silver bracelets are produced with sufficient metal weight. For example, it is a fact that a 6 to 8 inch bracelet should have a minimum weight of 15 to 20 grams. If the bracelet has large gems or a broad band width, the weight required can be as high as 30 to 40 grams.
Contrast this with the fact that, most gold bracelets in the market are in the 5 to 10 gram weight range and you will know why readymade bracelets are not a good choice for any serious jewelry lover. Insufficient metal weight can ruin a beautiful design and wonderful gemstones. A light weight gold or sterling silver bracelet would have weak link connections, this can cause the bracelet to snap. Such bracelets invariably have flimsy clasps that can break or open at any time. Gemstone mounting to be firm and sturdy needs the right mounting techinc, this needs the support of healthy metal weight too.
Though we have already mentioned this above it is worth repeating that, a good sturdy silver bracelet with good weith is better than a light weight flimsy gold bracelet. After all it is not cheap to repeatedly repair a flimsy bracelet, or replace loosely set gemstones. Kaisilver bracelets typically have a metal weight in the range of 20 to 40 grams. We do know how to produce light weight bracelets, but will not entertain such queries as it means compromising on quality.
Plain Bracelets: Bracelets can be made with or without gems and diamonds. A bracelet that does not have any gems or diamonds set in it is referred to as a plain bracelet. If you thought that such bracelets would appear to be boring and mundane, you are mistaken. Great antique style bracelet concepts can be used to created classic plain bracelets in gold or silver. The antique finish that can be provided to plain silver bracelets, can be used to give a tremendous enhancement to the beauty of the bracelet. The design of a plain bracelet can ofcourse have meaning and beauty, flowers, religious symbols, birds and animals and even alphabets can be incorporated into such designs.
It is also possible to provide different metal finishes to a plain bracelet and add interest to the jewel. Dull finish, sand blasted finish, the brushed look, hammered finish and even the regular high polish finish are some options. Another very interesting option that custom bracelets can provide is to combine different finishes in the same bracelet.
You could say that a plain bracelet can be made to be much stronger and sturdier. Since there is no budget allocation required for the gems and diamonds, it is possible to assign a significant amount of the budget for the metal weight and craftsmanship to be applied to the jewel. However do not put too much of emphasis and confidence in plain bracelets with cheap prices as that could undermine the longterm durability of the jewel.
Ruby Sapphire Emerald Bracelet BRC100
The BRC100 is a unique and stylish Kaisilver bracelet. The combination of the three most popular precious gems in one single jewel is not very common. This gold or silver bracelet combines ruby, sapphire and emerald in the bracelet. You could ofcourse choose just one gem type for the entire bracelet or even combine half a dozen gem stone types.
It is quite common to see men wearing plain bracelets in gold or silver. This is probably because men prefer not to wear flashy and colorful gems. This is not always true but is applicable in many cases.
Gemstones: When it comes to bracelets with gems, you have a very wide range of gems to choose from. The choice can get to be mind boggling when you talk of custom made bracelets. While many jewelers restrict certain gems to gold bracelets, there is basically no reason why all gemstone options, cannot be provided for both gold and sterling silver bracelets.
There are natural gems that are produced by nature, these take centuries and even millions of years to be formed. Then there are manmade gems that are mass produced in factories. Such man made gemstones can yield thousands of tonnes a month! Natural gems are valued higher than mass produced stones. The interesting thing is that, inexperienced gem buyers might find that fake (man made gems) look much brighter, clearer and glamorous as compared to natural stones. A natural stone is produced beneath the earths surface and is subject to the influences of the environment, trees, water and othe minerals around the area in which it is formed. These factors can leave visible trails on the gem during the millions of years it takes to be formed.
When it comes to natural gems for your bracelet, many of the gemstones can be had in different grades. The price of the gold or 925 silver gem stone bracelet would reflect the gem grade too. Another thing to remember is that larger gems are general more expensive (price per carat) as compared to smaller gems. You could think of getting a gold blue topaz gemstone bracelet with 12x10 oval blue topaz gems in around 1,500 U.S$. But, this would be almost impossible if the same design was to be used with good quality blue sapphires. The price of such a large sapphire gem bracelet could shoot up to around 20,000 U.S$ to 30,000 U.S$.
Gems can be chosen based on color, and many gems can have the same base color. For example if you needed a blue gemstone bracelet but, were not particular about the which gemstone was used, you could consider blue topaz, blue lapis, blue sapphire, blue apatite etc. The price difference could be quite steep so it is worth discussing your specific requirement with your jeweler.
Jewelry lovers often choose gems based on their meaning. Your gem stone bracelet can have the gems selected according to your birth stone. It is possible to combine birthstones of all family members in the same bracelet and make a memorable family birthstone jewel. A gold or sterling silver bracelet can be made as a mothers birth stone jewel, such a bracelet would include birthstones of the mother, the children and the father.
Besides birthstones gems have been given other meanings and interpretations too. For example, wearing an onyx bracelet is supposed to help a person overcome grief and personal tragedy. A carnelian gem stone bracelet is supposed to make a person feel calm and composed. It is also believed that a bloodstone bracelet helps blood circulation and cures blood disorders. Do remember that these are just beliefs and traditions and should in no way be practised as a substitute for formal medical treatment.
Custom amethyst bracelet BRC50
Craftsmanship: Kaisilver bracelets are crafted by some of Thailand's finest craftsmen. The expertise of these craftsmen extends to all types of designs and gemstones. A mass produced bracelet cannot provide attention to every single detail as most of the production processes are mechanized. But if you want a true highend bracelet, it will require the undivided attention of skilled craftsmen and artisans. Machine operating jewelry production staff are a poor substitute for skilled craftsmen.
Durability: Though written as a single word, durability is achieved by a combination of factors. A good design is desirable to make a durable bracelet but, insufficient metal weight can defeat the purpose. Similarly excellent gold weight can make a flimsy and fragile bracelet if not accompanied by good craftsmanship. If you have taken care of the other features that should be present in a bracelet, durability should automatically be present.
Customization: Ideally your bracelet should include all your preferences, subject to your imagination and budget. Sadly this can rarely happen as most jewelry providers are mere sellers and do not do actual production. And even if they do the production, they often ignore buyer requests that do not give them lucrative profit margins. Let us explain this statement with a good example.
If you had to walk in to a jewelry store in New York and lay your eyes on a gorgeous diamond bracelet, you would get a price quote of around 10,000 U.S$. Let us presume that you love the appearance of the gold diamond bracelet but were squeezed with a budget of 2,000 U.S$, what would be your options. That jewelry store would give you almost no options and you can at best expect to get a few boring stares. But the fact is that you could get a similar looking bracelet for around 2,000 U.S$ with natural white sapphires instead of the diamonds. Your only option would be to find a custom jewelry provider who is willing to produce a bracelet as per your specific requirements.
Kaisilver provides complete customization for all types of jewelry. In the above example of the diamond bracelet, we would be glad to produce that bracelet for you in gold or silver with the gemstone of your choice. Our professional support team aims to provide solutions and not to push a buyer make the biggest price purchase. We might even advise you to go for the diamond bracelet with the dimensions of the bracelet and the diamonds reduced to fit your budget.
Gold or silver multi gem bracelet BRCL01
When you look at the bracelets shown on this page, view them as mere suggestions. You can combine your own preferences and request for a specific price quote. Queries and requiremetns can be addressed to our support team at You are never any obligation to make a purchase from, we would therefore urge you to take complete advantage of our expertise. You can then work with a jeweler that you feel comfortable with. Almost no other jeweler would care to give you the kind of detailed explanations and suggestions that we do.
Silver bracelets: The number of buyers looking for silver bracelets has been showing a steady increase for many years. Though some of these buyers moved to sterling silver jewelry because it is cheaper than gold jewelry, there are many silver jewelry buyers who love the metal for it's classic and confident looks.
When you buy a 925 silver bracelet remember that there is no reason why you should settle for inferior design, gem stones or craftsmanship. But if all you need is a cheap silver bracelet, then expect it to come with a bundle of compromises. A good silver bracelet should not be starved of metal weight, after all this metal is much cheaper than gold. When it comes to gems, it has conventionally been followed that better quality gems get set in gold bracelets and lower gem grades find their way into 925 silver bracelets. If you are willing to pay a fair price for a sterling silver bracelet, you can demand good quality design, gems and craftsmanship. We would suggest that such a requirement is best fulfilled by going for a custom made bracelet. Such a jewel can include all your preferences and this is highly desirable.
The term 925 silver refers to silver with 92.5% purity. Pure silver is quite soft and adding a 7.5% allow to silver makes it much harder and stronger.
Iolite Gemstone Bracelet Custom Made ... BRC101
The iolite gem stone is gorgeous, it also boasts of an impressive durability. As of today, you can get good color and clarity in iolite gemstones that are not treated to enhance their beauty. The BRC101 iolite bracelet is for the genuine gem lover. Most seasoned gem experts know that the low popularity is not related to the properties of the gem itself. The fact is that a media blitz managed to push another similar (color similarity) gem named tanzanite ahead of iolite.

Flower Bracelet BRC51 14k or 18k
There is something very interesting abou the BRC51 flower bracelet shown above. Compare this bracelet with the BRC11 bracelet, both jewels have the flower concept in them. However while the BRC11 is a flower bracelet that gives emphasis to the gems in the jewel, the BRC51 seems to flash the gold in the jewel, the gems there to merely enhance the beauty of the design. Both designs will have their own group of admirers, so you cannot really make a firm statement that one design is better than the other.
Where to buy? It goes without saying that Kaisilver is not the only source for bracelets. You should evaluate various design concepts and various jewelers with an open mind, then choose the jeweler that gives you confidence and peace of mind. When you communicate with a jeweler a couple of times, you will realize whether he is interested in fulfilling your requirement or is just pushing for his profit margin.
Websites that scream at you with 'Buy Now' buttons generally lack customer support that is knowledgeable in various issues related to gems and jewelry. Most websites provide little or no information to the buyer. We have seen websites owned by large jewelry houses that do not even care to mention the gold weight of a jewel. Lack of complete information does not inspire confidence in the buyer, it is also not possible for the buyer to make a fair evaluation and comparison when the information is incomplete.
Sturdy And Durable Gold Bangle BNG01
Jewelry buyers are sometimes confused when talking about bangles and bracelets. At Kaisilver we can produce both bangles and bracelets for you. The BNG01 is a custom bangle that can be ordered in gold or sterling silver. Like bracelets, bangles can also be produced in gold or silver. You can choose a plain bangle or prefer one that is studded with diamonds or gems of your choice. When talking about a bangle the size of the wrist become an important dimension that needs to be taken into consideration. A hinged bangle like the BNG01, offers better flexibility as far as bangle size is concerned.
Just like a bracelet, it is necessary to provide good metal weight for a bangle too. Many Asian jewelry stores sell bangles that cannot be opened as they are not hinged. When choosing such bangles make sure that you get the size correct, as it is quite critical. A hinged open and close mechanism on a bangle makes it easier to handly a wider range of wrist sizes.
14k White Gold Amethyst Bracelet BRC70
An important feature of any gem stone bracelet is the gemstone itself. The BRC70 white gold amethyst bracelet is a good example for a case study. This gold bracelet is similar in design concept to the BRCL01 multi gem stone bracelet. The BRCL01 is shown here as a 925 sterling silver bracelet, but you can order it in gold too. The important thing is that the shade of amethyst in your bracelet can be chosen by you. While you always have the flexibility to choose the gemstones of your choice, you can go a step further and even specify the color shade of the chosen gems.
Amethyst is available in three main shades or purple. You can get a very pale purple, a medium purple as seen in BRC50 and a darker more saturated purple color as shown in the BRC70 custom bracelet.
The high degree of customization that is possible, gives you tremendous control over the final look and feel of your bracelet. You could for example, select the design concept of the BRC70 but choose to have round gems instead of the oval gems as shown in the image. You could even take it a step further and alternate a round gem and an oval gem in the same bracelet.
Beware of cheap bracelets: Kaisilver bracelets are not cheap. In jewelry, you get what you pay for and low priced bracelets are low on quality too. A few quick tips on evaluating a bracelet. Good looks need to be combined with durability, or you will end up spending a lot of money on repairs in the longterm. A silver bracelet that is less than 10 grams or a gold bracelet that is less than 15 grams is most likely to break or snap when worn frequently. Cheap bracelets might use gems that are made in a factory rather than natural gemstones. Gems like rubies, sapphires, emeralds and even tanzanite are available in different grades, prices can differ widely across grades. Firm gem mounting needs good design, craftsmanship and metal weight. Loose gems can drop off and replacement can be expensive. Remember that the new (replacement) gem will need to match the remaining gems in type, color, shape, size and cut.
Who is Kaisilver? Kaisilver is the world's leading online custom jewelry provider. All jewelry is custom made with good weight and craftsmanship. When you order your custom jewelry from us, you can choose the design, dimensions, gemstone and metal. With preferential access to over 200 million carats of gem stones, we can procure just about any gem that you need and custom cut it according to the design requirement.
Over 3,500 skilled craftsmen and artisans work on all our custom jewelry orders. The same team works on gold or silver bracelets and other jewelry. This shows our commitment to quality jewelry irrespective of the metal that you choose. Seven top rated designers work on all our jewelry designs. We also have design consultants in many countries, this allows specific design guidance for very specific requirements like traditional jewelry.
Customer support at Kaisilver is handled by a team of gem and jewelry experts. We do not belive in hiring smart talking sales staff who push buyers to make impulsive purchases. Our approach is to work with the buyer and make suggestions based on the requirements put forward.
Kaisilver buyers include, fashion models, hotel and resort owners, sportsmen, lawyers, financial experts, students and professors, doctors and surgeons, members of the armed forces, government officials and others.
Other jewelry: Kaisilver custom makes all types of jewelry for ladies and men. When you order your jewelry from us, you can select our designs or provide us with your sketches or images. Your details and queries can be sent to The vast experience of the entire Kaisilver team ensures that every jewelry produced is a true high end jewel. The historic claddagh ring has been one of our hottest selling rings for over a decade. This ring was designed after an indepth research was conducted into the history and tradition of this jewel. The Kaisilver claddagh ring is today regarded as the world's best rendition of this 375 year old jewel. The entry of Kaisilver into the men's pendants market segment has brought about a tremendous change in the way men choose and wear their jewelry today. The Kaisilver mens cross, the hayabusa pendant and even the classic star pendant for men have been all time favorites for hundreds of men across the globe. There was a time when men's rings lacked style and good craftsmanship. Men were fooled into believing that good looking mens rings would not appear masculine! This joke was put to rest when we released our classic collection of mens rings. These rings gave equal emphasis to good looks and longterm durability.