Bracelets From Kaisilver Thailand
Kaisilver bracelets have shown a steady increase in demand. If you find a highend plain or gemstone bracelet, that is well designed and crafted and provided with a healthy metal weight - chances are that it is a Kaisilver bracelet! The crazy rush to attract mass markets has made jewelers forget about quality and durability. Realizing that most jewelry buyers concentrate on external beauty and lower price tags, the issue of quality in jewelry has been pushed to the back seat. It is true that a quality jewel cannot be cheap but, not all jewelry buyers are willing to sacrifice quality to get a lower priced bracelet or other jewel.
Experts at Kaisilver explain that, to decide whether a fine gold or silver bracelet from Kaisilver is expensive, as compared to what other jewelers provide - jewelry buyers should check all features including craftsmanship, metal (gold or silver) weight, features included to increase durability, gemstone quality and value etc. Two bracelets could appear very similar externally but, be very different in terms of value and durability.

An amazing muti gemstone bracelet shown as a white gold ruby, sapphire and emerald bracelet. Available as a gold or silver bracelet, you choose the gems - the BRC100 custom bracelet, can also be designed to accommodate just one gemstone type. Read details on the bracelet ... more.

Fine gold bracelet with iolite gems or any other gemstones of your choice - can be ordered in gold or silver. A completely custom made Kaisilver bracelet, the gem type, size and shape can be decided by you. You can specify 8x6, 9x7mm or 10x8mm oval gemstones ... more.
Kaisilver bracelets are fully custom made, no reliance on standards blocks and molds or a standard inventory of gemstones. Besides providing all gemstone options, we can also custom cut gemstones specifically required for your bracelet or other gemstone jewelry. You could choose any bracelet from our websites and ask for design modifications or even, send us your own designs to be custom made. All bracelets and other jewelry can be crafted in gold or silver, we maintain the same superior standards for both metals.
Most gemstones would have multiple gems and with Kaisilver, you can request for all gem combinations. It is not necessary that all the gems in a bracelet be of one type - notice the BRC100 ruby, sapphire and emerald bracelet - three different gems combined in one single bracelet. The BRC101 Kaisilver bracelet has all iolite gemstones, you could pick the gems that you prefer and even include gem types in the bracelet.
Historically the most valuable and desired gems were ruby, sapphire, emerald and surely diamonds. The BRC100 bracelet combines these 3 precious gemstones in one single jewel. And if you wish to include diamonds in this design, request for the center stone in each of the flower motifs to be replaced with a 2.5mm round diamond. The Kaisilver support team will get back to you with suitable suggestions and a custom price quote.
It is not often that you will come across a jewel that combines all these precious gems namely rubies, sapphires and emeralds in a single jewel. This is what makes the BRC100 Kaisilver bracelet unique. Another interesting observation about this multi gem stone bracelet is that all the three gems are listed as birthstones too. If you check the birthstone charts, you will notice that ruby is the July birthstone and also represents the Cancer zodiac sign. The birth stone for the month of September is sapphire, which is the month of the zodiac sign Virgo. Emerald of course is listed as the May birthstone and represents the zodiac Taurus sign.
Some information that is relevant to all gemstone bracelets. If you wish to have a sapphire or tourmaline bracelet, you could add to the beauty and value of the jewel by choosing sapphires and tourmaline gems in different color. In the case of a sapphire gemstone bracelet, you could combine white, pink, green, blue and yellow sapphires. For tourmaline the color options would be pink, red (rubelite) or green tourmaline gemstones. Our support experts at would be glad to help you with suggestions and pricing.
One of the most interesting fact about the BRC101 custom bracelet is the gemstone - iolite. This is an awesome natural gemstones, color can remind you of tanzanite. Iolite you might want to know is natural, not treated in way, durable and gorgeous. Iolite is also much more affordable as compared to tanzanite. Interestingly men who have heard of iolite, almost always wish to have a men's iolite ring. The reason why tanzanite overtook iolite in terms of popularity is quite simple. Tanzanite was promoted by Tiffany's the well known jeweler - a massive media blitz propelled tanzanite to super fame. The fact is that iolite is much tougher as compared to tanzanite. Having said that, tanzanite rings are still very popular even when, it is several times more expensive as compared to iolite.
This gemstone bracelet is perfect for oval or round gemstones. The gem size can range from 8x6mm oval to 10x8mm oval. In reality, the choice would be made depending on the gems selected - basically based on the cost of the gems. So if you happen to be looking for a bracelet with topaz, amethyst, citrine, smoky quartz, black onyx, red garnet, peridot or green jade - the gem size of 9x7mm or 10x8mm oval, might still be affordable for many budgets.
Gems like tourmaline, rubelite, tanzanite, ruby, sapphire, emerald and spinel can carry substantial price tags. In this case a gemstone bracelet - gem sizes of 8x6mm and 9x7mm oval might be advisable. These are just useful notes so if you have a budget to match, for the largest gem sizes that your budget can handle.
Two interesting notes about birthstone bracelets and just for your information, we have appended the Kaisilver Birthstone Charts below this report. There has been a belief for centuries that, every human is connected to a specific gemstone or crystal - this connection is made when a person is born. These gems came to be referred to as birthstones and when a person, wore his or her birthstone - the gem was believed to bring good luck and keep evil away.
At one point in time, a gemstone was linked to each sign of the zodiac, so your gemstone would depend on the zodiac sign under which you were born. We then reached a time when, the each of the 12 months in the calendar were linked to one (or more) birthstones.
The concept of birthstones has a large following even today, so birthstone jewelry including gemstone bracelets are ordered as birthstone bracelets. We might mention here that amethyst happens to be the February birthstone. So when a person born in February wears amethyst gemstone jewelry, they make a special connection with the gemstone.
The design of gemstone bracelets which also includes birthstone bracelets, would be influenced by the type of gemstones set in the bracelet. This because some gems like ruby, sapphire, emerald, tanzanite and spinel - can be very expensive as the gem size increases. Fortunately all features including gem size and shape, can be customized if you order your bracelet or other jewelry from Kaisilver. We suggest that you discuss your requirements with our experts at the email address provided below this report.
If you are interested in wearing a birthstone ring rather than a bracelet, we have an interesting suggestion to make. The historic claddagh ring which was first made around 4 centuries ago, is believed to be one of history's most meaningful jewels. Kaisilver is widely acclaimed to finely craft the best rendition of the historic ring. The Claddagh Meaning Report will provide more relevant information. You could choose any Kaisilver claddagh ring in gold or silver and request, for your birthstone to be set in the ring.
These bracelets are gemstone bracelets with a deeper meaning. If you happen to be buying a bracelet for yourself as a mother or, looking for a bracelet to gift to your loving mom - consider a family birthstone bracelet. In this case, the bracelet would include the birthstones of all family members. Such a jewel would have significant sentimental value so take care of it and consider, passing it down to the next generation.
We did mention above that there is no restriction on gem selection of the combination of gemstones, that you could select for your custom made bracelet from Kaisilver. So requesting ideas for a family birthstone bracelet, would never be a problem. The BRC101 bracelet shown on this web page for example, could be ordered with different gemstones in each of the positions. Just for your information iolite, does not feature in the birthstone charts.
As explained above the BRC100 custom bracelet includes three of the most sought after gems of all times - ruby, sapphire and emerald. Interestingly all these gemstones have always been worn as birthstones. Ruby happens to be the birthstone for July, the month of September has sapphire as its birthstone and emerald is the birthstone for May.
We keep mentioning that Kaisilver gives equal importance to both, good looks and durability when designing and crafting custom made jewelry. To begin with, durability in a jewel depends on a number of factors - optimimum metal weight, high quality craftsmanship, researched design finalization and even the type of gemstones selected would affect the durability of your bracelet. All Kaisilver designs are thoroughly researched and features that can increase durability, are not compromised. Our bracelets weigh around 40% to 50% more than what other jewelers would provide for similar designs. While this does add to the price tag, it also ensures that the jewel is sturdy and not flimsy. We have Thailand's most skilled artisans working on all Kaisilver jewelry - this is true for both gold and silver jewelry. Different natural gemstones have different physical properties, hardness and durability differs. Without getting into technical explanations for all the gemstones in the world, it would be better if you let our experts know about your choice of gemstones. Contact us at with any questions related to gems and jewelry, we will gladly share our expertise even if, you plan to buy nothing from us.
Gold or silver options for all bracelets.
10K / 14k / 18k white, pink or yellow gold.
All gem options, gems can also be combined - all natural gemstones.
Good metal weight of 15 to 25 grams.
Heavier and bigger bracelets would have an optimal metal weight.
Fine craftsmanship for all bracelets - both silver and gold.
Bracelet length according to your requirements.
Firm and sturdy clasp, keeps your bracelet secure.
Bracelet design can be yours or ours.
The leading online high end custom made jewelry provider for over 2 decades, we have served over 12,000 gem and jewelry lovers across 15 nations. All Kaisilver custom jewelry is crafted in Thailand and shipped all over the world. A team of high skilled artisans, gem cutters, production experts and designers - work on all Kaisilver jewelry. We provide the same superior quality for gold and silver jewelry.
Being networked to all major gem mining and cutting operations in the world, Kaisilver has preferential access to over 200 million carats of gemstones. This is the reason why we place absolutely no restriction on your choice of gemstones. The designs for your jewelry can be yours or ours, we can also work with your own designs. Email us at for any information related to gems and jewelry that you might need, we will be glad to help.
Our suggestion would be to first discuss your requirements with our experts on the email address provided in the previous paragraph. Fine jewelry is more of an investment rather than, a trend or fashion - so do not be in a rush to place your order. Make sure that you have all the information required to make a decision, you can also email us your own design ideas to be custom made.
Once you are satisfied with the answers and are confident about, where to buy your jewelry from, request for payment and lead time information from the team. We will be absolutely fine if you at this stage, decide to work with some other jeweler. While we remain the leading online source for high end custom made jewelry, we are not in a position to take orders for all the queries that we get. Remember that all Kaisilver jewelry is meticulously handcrafted and each gemstone immaculately custom cut, there are no short cuts and automated processes used here.
Dear Kaisilver Associates, I would like to take this opportunity to personally offer my recommendation of Kaisilver for top-quality custom jewelry. I located Kaisilver through the internet and was, as you might imagine, somewhat apprehensive about sending money to people I had never met. Nevertheless, I used PayPal and we began working on a custom-designed gold pendant for me.... Associates of Kaisilver worked with me every step of the way graciously, courteously, and promptly, accepting the ideas that would work and recommending alternatives to ideas that would not work..... Another part of the process I would like to emphasize is Kaisilver's thoroughness and conviction to customer satisfaction.....I am pleased to recommend Kaisilver for your custom jewelry needs and feel certain they will meet your expectations with the same dedication demonstrated toward me. Mr.Carl Weeder, U.S.A. ... more